Last year was, at one point in time, a new year. Last December 31, exactly one year ago, I celebrated the fact that things were starting over again; that there would be a new January, a new spring and fall, and new experiences in the coming months. I had no idea what things would be like, but I was excited nevertheless. The idea of a new adventure is always exciting. What I didn’t consider was that, by its very definition, adventures include challenge and uncertainty. Last year’s adventure for me included finishing and publishing a new book, getting the endorsements of two men I consider great leaders, and working with unbelievable partners to complete another book (not yet published) and a new website. My son got engaged and married. I began doing consulting work with a new company and took on new customers. I learned a lot.

But that is only half of last year because, as I said, adventures always include adversity. Shakespeare knew that and Stephen Spielberg knows that. Heroes know it. All of us who have loved and lost know it too. Parents experience it firsthand, sometimes on a daily basis. We know that the way to build muscle is to add resistance. The way to build character is to have it challenged. All good stories include obstacles that must be overcome. We know life includes the painful as well as the pleasant.

What was the dark side of last year’s adventure for me? For one thing, my mother broke a hip and had it replaced. She’s 85 and it has significantly changed her life and her children’s lives as well. I also found myself confronted by unwanted change, unexpected challenge, and even a little heartbreak last year. Sound familiar?

As a result, I was daily drawn back to the promises of hope I have learned and shared with you. I recited the promises to remind myself that I am not on my adventure alone. When times were hard I recalled why I should hope: because God is present, has a purpose, provides for me daily, and participates in the moments of my life. I hope because He is in the incomplete parts of my life and when His promises are delayed, I learn patience and my hope grows. Last but not least, when I let go of anger and resentment, cleaning out the dark closets of my heart, I feel the power of having a pure heart. These promises gave me courage to continue my adventure. They will do the same for you. So, look forward to your new adventure and don’t be afraid of setbacks or the scary parts. You’ve faced them before—and this year you the power of hope with you. There will be triumphs, joy, love and growth in this year’s journey as well. Say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. Your life is an adventure that is beginning again, one that is worth being a part of. I’m sure of it. Hope says so.