I know a lot of people are all up in arms about the “commercialization of Christmas.” Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and extended store hours tempt us to spend too much money on “stuff” that we supposedly don’t need. This year, even in the midst of a recession, the US shoppers managed to beat the spending predictions of our financial experts. Yes, we are spenders. Yes, we like presents. Yes, if you are using that credit card too much it can lead to problems. And yes, I know there is a lot to distract us from the true meaning of Christmas. But I think we are looking at this all wrong.

I absolutely love the Christmas season and I love to buy and give presents. I’m not someone who loves to shop just for the sake of it; I just love buying Christmas presents. It’s exciting to watch friends and loved ones unwrap a present and see their faces light up. Well, occasionally I do miss the mark and that face lighting up thing doesn’t happen but even that doesn’t deter me. I still like to give presents. I wish I could give more. And, like you, I don’t just give to those I know, I like to give to strangers and those in need, even though I’m pretty sure that last guy at the stop light took my money and bought something unhealthy. But my heart was moved when I saw him there. And you know what? I think my love of giving presents is a reflection of my heavenly Father. This whole giving deal is just the sort of thing he is always up to. God loves to give. I looked up some scriptures to see if I was on point with this and here’s what I found. From the very beginning God gave. He gave humans a beautiful garden and even said at one point, “Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.” (Genesis 9:3) That’s right. Everything in the garden he gave to us, well, with the exception of that one tree we got so focused on. Big mistake on our part.

jesusloveThen, he gave Abraham a promise, Moses the ability to speak and some commands for his people to follow, and finally he gave the Israelites a land overflowing with milk and honey. He didn’t have to make it overflow, did he? He could have just had ample rations. At one point, the Lord asked Moses, who was complaining about his stutter, “Who gave human beings their mouths?” He was reassuring Moses that even if he didn’t like what he had been given, God was going to use it in a big way. And mouths throughout history have been used in a big way ever since. Then, he gave his masterpiece. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son…” (John 3:16) Why? So we could be reconnected to the One who is the Giver-in-Chief. And the Son gave himself, “This is my body given for you;” (Luke 22:19a) Then, Jesus sent us an advocate, a comforter and a teacher, the Holy Spirit. (John 14:26) And the Spirit gave us power, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7) I could go on but I think you get the point. So go shopping, get those presents and give them away. Give your time and your heart, too. It’s fun! You are designed to feel joy when you give. Isn’t that the most hopeful thought ever? And with every gift you buy and give away, know that you are a reflection of your generous and loving heavenly Father.